середа, 2 вересня 2020 р.

Helpful adb commands (How to stop an Android Emulator from Command Line)

Find adb.exe on your computer.
You have to use
adb kill-server
adb -s emulator-5554 emu kill
, where
is the emulator name.
For Ubuntu users:
adb devices | grep emulator | cut -f1 | while read line; do adb -s $line emu kill; done

# Fully Uninstall an app on an emulator:
adb shell "pm uninstall <your packet name, f.e. com.nl.hello.world>"

# Uninstall an app on an emulator with the local data saving:
adb shell "pm uninstall -k <your packet name, f.e. com.nl.hello.world>"

# Install a previously copied app on an emulator:
adb shell "pm install -r /storage/00BC-1AFD/temp/v1.0/<your packet name, f.e. com.nl.hello.world>.apk"

# restart adb to be able to use device via WiFi
 adb kill-server &&  adb start-server && adb tcpip 5555 && adb connect

# How do I find out which keystore was used to sign an app?:
First, unzip the APK and extract the file /META-INF/ANDROID_.RSA (this file may also be CERT.RSA, but there should only be one .RSA file).
cd "c:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools\"
keytool -printcert -file ANDROID_.RSA

# Then use the keytool again to print out all the aliases of your signing keystore:
cd "c:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools\"
keytool -list -keystore my-signing-key.keystore

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