So code below searches consts with the names SQL_SERVER_NAME and DATABASE_NAME and replaces them with the replace_SQL_SERVER_NAME and replace_DATABASE_NAME lines. Now you know, that this code has a limitation: it replaces whole lines. But it works, that it.
REM database.php update START
@echo off &setlocal setlocal enableDelayedExpansion :: Lines below has been searched set "const=const" set "SQL_SERVER_NAME=SQL_SERVER_NAME" set "DATABASE_NAME=DATABASE_NAME" :: Lines below has been replaced with the "search_xxx" :: !!!-------------------- UPDATE VARIABLES BELOW --------------------!!! set "replace_SQL_SERVER_NAME= const SQL_SERVER_NAME = "SERVER\NEW_SERVER_NAME";" set "replace_DATABASE_NAME= const DATABASE_NAME = "NEW_DATABASE_NAME";" :: !!!-------------------- UPDATE VARIABLES ABOVE --------------------!!! :: File to be processed set "textfile=database.php" :: Temporary file set "newfile=database_tmp.php" :: Define LF to contain a linefeed character set "signExclamation=^!" :: Define LF to contain a linefeed character set ^"LF=^ ^" :: The empty line above is critical ::(for /f "delims=" %%i in (%textfile%) do ( (for /f "USEBACKQ tokens=1,2 delims=^!^" %%i in (`type %textfile% ^| find /V /N ""`) do ( set "part1=%%i" set "part2=%%j" :: Save ! sign if "!part2!"=="" ( set "line=!part1!!part2!" ) else ( set "line=!part1!!signExclamation!!part2!" ) :: Save an empty lines set "line=!line:*]=!" set "str1=" set "str2=" :: Left trim the line to compare with the "search" for /f "tokens=1,2 delims= " %%a in ("!line!") do ( set "str1=%%a" set "str2=%%b" ) :: Replace consts set "str=!line!" if "!str1!"=="!const!" ( if "!str2!"=="!SQL_SERVER_NAME!" ( set "str=!replace_SQL_SERVER_NAME!" ) else ( if "!str2!"=="!DATABASE_NAME!" ( set "str=!replace_DATABASE_NAME!" ) ) ) echo(!str!) )>"%newfile%" del %textfile% rename %newfile% %textfile% endlocal @echo on
REM database.php update END
You are welcome to test code above. Just create database.php file, add there 2 lines:
const SQL_SERVER_NAME = "OLD_SERVER_NAME"; const DATABASE_NAME = "OLD_DATABASE_NAME";Create *.bat file in the same folder and run it.
Second part. What if you want to insert some code into your f.e. web.config file in production?
REM web.config update START @echo off &setlocal setlocal enableDelayedExpansion :: Line below has been searched set "search=</system.webServer>" :: Line below has been added before the "search" set "replace= <urlCompression doStaticCompression="false" doDynamicCompression="false" />" :: File to be processed set "textfile=web.config" :: Temporary file set "newfile=web_tmp.config" :: Define LF to contain a linefeed character set ^"LF=^ ^" :: The empty line above is critical (for /f "delims=" %%i in (%textfile%) do ( set "line=%%i" :: Left trim the line to compare with the "search" for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%a in ("!line!") do set "str=%%a" :: Add line before the "search" if "!str!"=="!search!" ( set "str=!replace!!LF!" ) else ( set "str=" ) echo(!str!!line!))>"%newfile%" del %textfile% rename %newfile% %textfile% endlocal @echo on REM web.config update END
Well, it just finds search in in your web.config file and inserts replace before it. You know how to test.
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